This is my point of view and based on my own experience and feeling. The earlier one learns to accept pain as we do happiness the better. Its like two sides of the coin of Life. From childhood our brains and hearts are hardwired with dreams about being "forever happy". As one grows old one continues aspiring for this “forever happy” state.
We try and avoid anything that we foresee would give us pain whether its developing relationships beyond a point or evolving a lifestyle where we do not have any restrictions or replacing anything or everything that threatens this state of conceptual happiness. Consequently we maintain/ manipulate everything around our ecosystem that would not disturb our “state of happiness”. We seem so scared of pain.
We see examples of people who follow this philosophy all the time but are they happy? They should be logically most happy but NO they are not they are still yearning to be happy. They lead half fulfilled lives.
Life is a clever dame it pays you back exactly in the same coin. If you measure your inputs then you receive measured returns. The more wholesomely you live the wholesomely life pays you back. Pain is the price one might have to pay if one loves truly and lives life wholesomely. Its better to undergo pain and accept it as part of life early because then one begins to learn to handle it. Once we are not afraid of pain then we are not afraid of living intensely and in depth in all spheres which leads to a fulfilled state. "यह आग का दरिया है डूब के निकलना है "