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Monday, December 30, 2013

2013 coming to a close - What a year ?????

As 2013 comes to an end, want to sign off saying it tested me, tried me to the hilt and also enabled me embark a new journey. It was a blessed year where I could feel the blessings of my Guru/Mentor and all my well wishers reach me from where ever they might be. I felt enriched and truly blessed.

Thank you all, for being part of my life, for impacting it in the ways you do and all i am or will be, would be because of you, am really nothing by myself. You all and your trust in my abilities keeps me going.

I would remember this year, am sure, as a key turning point, may be in times to come.

2013, enabled me scale new depths in understanding relationships, watch their dynamics more closely besides presenting great avenues to learn. Seems it kind of gave me a dose of five years rolled into one. Realised quite a few things about myself, watched myself grow.

Bid adieu to some “friends”, made few new associations. Launched experiments, set in a space i never experienced before, lets see where it takes me. 

I cannot Thank God enough.

2014, is close at heels, another year, new resolutions, new perspectives and ……….

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