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Monday, March 16, 2015

Living in a bubble

Observing people, understanding patterns in their lives, watching how they treat themselves and others, gives fair insights into the working of the other person's mind (i assume) and some times the experience is not a happy one.

Some of the achievers i observe, have achieved commendable growth in their profession, have scaled heights they themselves would not have fanthomed but are so confused and messed up in personal lives. The brightness and manipulation that makes them a success in career seems to have played adversely for them in their personal lives. I had read somewhere that if one knows how to sell well one also gets sold easily. One who manipulates well also has tendency to get manipulated. They lose the sense of what lies in the domain of integrity and where they crossed the line because manipulating their way they get so mixed up in realities that they lose touch with the real truth. Somewhere these people get convinced that they would be able to negotiate with LIFE but life the task master it is, gives no free lunches.

It is sad to see many such bright achievers being manipulated by their own thoughts, the artificial realities they wrap themselves up in and the fabric of their  day to day life is "sad" best described. Their enemy lies within themselves because they guard themselves well from the outside enemies, as most of them, as a given, do not trust easily.

Sometimes i feel achieving more than one imagines makes them lose sense of reality, they get easily gulled by people who massage their egos, and have little tolerance to ambiguity. Most cases i observe, such people prefer being surrounded by people lesser than themselves or those who show them that they are "like minded". Manipulation works best between two like minded individuals, one is often on the guard with someone with different or opposite view point.

Just observations.......

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