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Sunday, August 24, 2014

RIP Nani

Well, I did not write much this year. But being able to spend time and having a beautiful closure with someone who was an integral part of my childhood, is something that I had not imagined in my wildest dreams. I was in India for the summer and got to spend and create lifetime memories by being present next to my grandmother in her last few months. She died on August 14th after being bed ridden due to paralysis for last decade of her life. She was 88-89 years old.

This incident could not go unwritten, it touched me, and will leave lifelong vacuum of someone who had held my hand, taught me to walk and many a times I had basked in the glory of a celebrity like grandmother who was an icon of philanthropy. I remember, I was the first third generation kid in the family, and my grandmother doted on me. I used to accompany her to “satsangs” and absorb the environment as they sang hymns and prayers in glory of God. Many a times I accompanied her to day trips to nearby religious locations or for a dip in the sacred rivers. I think these childhood memories and company of my grandmother, had a major impact in introducing me to the world of faith and spirituality. Not even once, I remember her speaking ill of someone. She was a dedicated wife, an exceptional cook, living up to a patriarch, perfectionist husband but that did not deter her from following her passion for being around for others, collecting donations to build the temple or being around her daughters when they needed her.

My grandmother had exceptional social skills, I remember laughing and joking with her, when I pointed out that she had become a socialite joining the ladies “kitty” held in hotels. To which she remarked that she struck a deal with them that she would join the kitty and they would come for the “Amrit vani path”, the prayer meeting. The whole family was known as “Ashaji’s daughter/son or granddaughter”. One could visit the locality and reach her house without a formal address because everyone in the community knew who she was. People wanted her blessings when their daughters or daughter in laws were pregnant, she was considered a pious soul.

She loved to dress well and I remember the exact sequence of how she did and what she did while getting ready to go out. Her ability to absorb opposite point of views, hold her calm and not react was phenomenal. I do not remember a single instance of her being angry. She commanded respect from friends and foes alike, and had a very mild way of instating her presence. She was simple and elegant in thoughts and action. She was an example of impeccable integrity, whenever she was around people knew there would be no goofing of funds or the like. Collecting donations to build a temple from tent house to a huge full-fledged campus comparable to Birla mandir, is no mean task.

The hallmarks that describe her best are love and compassion. I would be happy if I imbibe a fraction of what she offered as a person, even following a fraction would make one a good human being.

Love you Nani, you are etched in my memory and being forever.