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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

To Love Is to Be Chaste - From J Krishnamurti

Read the previous posting and then this one , this is more a continuation to that one.

This problem of sex is not simple and it cannot be solved on its own level. To try to solve it purely biologically is absurd; and to approach it through religion or to try to solve it as though it were a mere matter of physical adjustment, of glandular action, or to hedge it in with taboos and condemnations is all too immature, childish, and stupid. It requires intelligence of the highest order. To understand ourselves in our relationship with another requires intelligence far more swift and subtle than to understand nature.But we seek to understand without intelligence; we want immediate action, an immediate solution, and the problem becomes more and more important. . . . Love is not mere thought; thoughts are only the external action of the brain. Love is much deeper, much more profound, and the profundity of life can be discovered only in love. Without love, life has no meaning and that is the sad part of our existence. We grow old while still immature; our bodies become old, fat, and ugly, and we remain thoughtless. Though we read and talk about it, we have never known the perfume of life. Mere reading and verbalizing indicates an utter lack of the warmth of heart that enriches life; and without that quality of love, do what you will, join any society, bring about any law, you will not solve this problem. To love is to be chaste.Mere intellect is not chastity. The man who tries to be chaste in thought, is unchaste, because he has no love. Only the man who loves is chaste, pure, incorruptible. - J. Krishnamurti, The Book of Life

Love Is Incapable of Adjustment - From J Krishnamurti

You all receive selected forwards from me from the J Krishnamurti daily quotes, pasting below something that is worth cherishing - it sums up so well and is crystal clear.
Love is not a thing of the mind, is it? Love is not merely the sexual act, is it? Love is something which the mind can not possibly conceive. Love is something which cannot be formulated. And without love, you become related; without love, you marry. Then, in that marriage, you "adjust yourselves" to each other. Lovely phrase! You adjust yourselves to each other, which is again an intellectual process, is it not? . . . This adjustment is obviously a mental process. All adjustments are. But, surely, love is incapable of adjustment. You know, sirs, don't you, that if you love another, there is no "adjustment." There is only complete fusion. Only when there is no love do we begin to adjust. And this adjustment is called marriage. Hence, marriage fails, because it is the very source of conflict, a battle between two people. It is an extraordinarily complex problem, like all problems, but more so because the appetites, the urges, are so strong. So, a mind which is merely adjusting itself can never be chaste. A mind which is seeking happiness through sex can never be chaste. Though you may momentarily have, in that act, self-abnegation, self-forgetfulness, the very pursuit of that happiness, which is of the mind, makes the mind unchaste. Chastity comes into being only where there is love. - J. Krishnamurti, The Book of Life

Saturday, April 16, 2011

More quotes from Morari Bapu

Well had to come back with the few other quotes or "shairs" i jotted in my listening to the discourse this time. Again i mention its my short coming not being able to jot down the names of the poets he ascribed these to while quoting.

-  जो खुद को पकड़ लेता है वोह खुदा को पकड़ लेता है. - Morari Bapu

-  जिनको पकड़अ था हाथ समझकर, वोह दस्ताने निकले.

-  तोर ली मैंने बेरियाँ सब, अब न तू चाहिए न रब
मैं तो यूही गुनेहगार था, इसमें  तेरी गवाही गज़ब
तेरी पाकीजगी पर न कहीं तोहमत लगे,
तू  बेवफा हुआ, हुआ लेकिन न  होना अब बेअदब
हमसफ़र  हैं  और सहारे भी हैं, अश्क क्यों फिर भेह रहे हैं बेसबब
तोर ली मैंने बेरियाँ सब अब न तू चाहिए न रब.

- मुझे काम है इश्वर से दुनिया रूठती है तो रूठे

- हमने हसरतों के दाग आंसुओं से धो लिए, आपकी मर्ज़ी आप बोलिए या न बोलिए

- महबूब जो भी दे वोह महबूब है

- देखकर दिलकशी ज़माने की आरज़ू है फिर धोखा खाने की,
 ए गेम ज़िन्दगी तू नाराज़ न हो, हमे आदत है मुस्कुराने की.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Morari Bapu - Love you !

 Every time i hear him i love and respect him even more he is .........A TRUE BLESSING, i do not know what i did all i can say is " Thank God for YOU ", must have done some things good over past births....

Sharing just a couple quotes of the scores he must shared over the discourse of 9 days, will share few more after referring my notes

सितारों को आँखों मैं महफूज़ रखना
बहुत दूर तक रात ही रात होगी
मुसाफिर हैं हम भी मुसाफिर हो तुम भी
किसी मोड़ पर फिर मुलाक़ात होगी

मेरे दिल के किसी कोने में एक मासूम सा बच्चा रहता है
जो देख कर बरो की दुनिया बरा  होने से डरता है

Sorry could not capture the poets as when he referred names. It was wonderful hearing him over Navratri, the discourse he gave at Haridwar.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Agent of change

Over time one realises that the only thing / person one can change is ones self. Thats the best and surest way to bring about any change. I agree with Aurobindo when he says " one cannot teach". Each of us learns what we have to, when we have to, we all are in different stages of evolution. We all arrive in our own time :)

Its like a journey one meets people with some one connects instantly, effortlessly , others just pass by. Those who value your touch stay back with you others rub shoulders and move on. One cannot calculate or manipulate it.

So i tell myself stay focused work just on yourself and move on so that one has no regrets.